Sign up with maxis to get your brand new Samsung Galaxy A12 at the lowest price !!!
*Credit to dno neo
Currently, the market price for Samsung Galaxy A12 is RM699. The main targets segment for the phone is Mass workers and value seekers. In this phone , it contains a lot of features such as a 5000mAh Battery with fast charging, 15w fast charging, Samsung Knox and etc.

If you’re planning to get the latest Samsung Galaxy A12 with the contract, you can consider signing up with maxis together with the phone. There’s a few plans & contract u can sign up for with us. Which are our Business Postpaid Plan and Zerolution package !!!
For more information about the package, you can refer to the following !!

For Maxis business postpaid with Samsung Galaxy A12, you can get the phone for free if you sign up for the 188,158 or the 128 Mbp package with us. Or else, you will require to top up a
- RM249 if sign up for 108 Mbp package
- RM299 if sign up for 98 Mbp package
- RM599 if sign up for Biz Start 48

As Zerolution package with Samsung Galaxy A12, customers need to pay an additional monthly fee as follows
- RM1/month if sign up with 188 package
- RM9/month if sign up with 158 package
- RM19/month if sign up with 128 package
- RM26/month if sign up with 98 package
- RM29/month if sign up with 48 package
If you are interested in this kind of package together with phone, u can contact us here !!! We will try to give you advice and guide you from A to Z. All is FREE !!! So don’t hesitate to look for us !!!
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