Sign up with maxis to get your brand new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 at the lowest price !!!
Currently, the market for Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 128GB is RM3999 and RM4199 for 256GB. Its target segment is users who like trendsetters, fashin evangelists, or users who require higher management or executive level for their phones. It is also early adopters of latest technology so this phone is also suitable for users who like to change phone 1-2 years.
In this phone, you can also enjoy some features such as Hyperfast 5G, 5nm processor, and 3300mAh battery.

If you’re planning to get the phone with the contract, you can consider signing up with maxis together with the phone. There’s a few plans & contract u can sign up for with us. Which are our Business Postpaid Plan and Zerolution package !!!
For more information about the package, you can refer to the following !!!

For Maxis business postpaid, customers may only need a one-time payment of
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 256GB
- RM2399 if sign up with MBP188 package
- RM2699 if sign up with MBP 158 package
- RM3199 if sign up with MBP 128 package
- RM3249 if sign up with MBP 108 package
- RM3299 if sign up with MBP 98 package
- RM3899 if sign up with Biz Start 48
* In case you have interest in the 128 GB version, you may also refer to the price list above for the Maxis Business Postpaid package !!!

As Zerolution package, customers need to pay an additional monthly fee as follows
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 256GB
- RM129/month if sign up with 188 package
- RM139/month if sign up with 158 package
- RM149/month if sign up with 128 package
- RM169/ month if sign up with 98 package
- RM174/ month if sign up with 48 package
* In case you have interest in the 128 GB version, you may also refer to the price list above for Zerolution package !!!
If you are interested in this kind of package together with Galaxy Z Flip3, u can contact us here !!! We will try to give you advice and guide you from A to Z. All is FREE !!! So don’t hesitate to look for us !!!
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