Apple iPhone 13 Pro: Maxis Contracts and Deals

Apple iPhone 13 Pro: Maxis Contracts and Deals

Sign up with maxis to get your brand new Apple iPhone 13 Pro at the lowest price !!! Currently, the market price for Apple iPhone 13 Pro is RM7199 for 1TB storage, RM6299 for 512 Gb, RM5399 for 256 Gb, and RM 4899 for 128 Gb. Different from the normal iPhone 13,...
Why is Internet Of Things important ?

Why is Internet Of Things important ?

Why is Internet of Things Important? Internet of Things is a recent technology that creates a global network of machines and devices that are capable of communicating and exchanging data with each other through the Internet. There is a difference between the Internet...
Maxis Business SME Digitization Grant Case Study

Maxis Business SME Digitization Grant Case Study

Here the example of some personal line convert to Maxis Business with claim the Grant up to RM3000 For example, this company existing just have as: 1 from Digi 1 from Celcom 2 fibre home broadband  Mxisting with multiple brands and multiple bills with a personal name...