Sign up with maxis to get your brand new iPad Pro 3 at the lowest price !!!

Currently, the price of the iPad Pro 3 is located at RM4599. Its target segment is those customers that looking for the best iPad available in the market with the latest technology. Besides that, this device is also suitable for business owners that require a management level or high-level executive device.

There are also some features in this iPad such as stronger battery life, Facetime function, Multiple apps functions and etc.

iPad Pro 3

If you’re planning to get the latest iPad Pro 11 with the contract, you can consider signing up with maxis together with the phone. There’s a few plans & contract u can sign up for with us. Which are our Maxis Business 4G WiFi package and Zerolution package !!!

For more information about the package, you can refer to the following !!!

iPad Pro 3

For Maxis business 4G WiFi Package, customers may only need a one-time payment of

  • RM3131 if sign up with 168 4G Business WiFi package
  • RM 3477 if sign up with 138 4G Business WiFi package

*Only available on data-only 24 months contract

iPad Pro 3

As Zerolution package, customers need to pay an additional monthly fee as follows

  • RM171/month if sign up with MOGW168
  • RM184/month if sign up with MOGW80
  • RM191/month if sign up with MBP38

If you are interested in this kind of package together with phone, u can contact us here !!! We will try to give you advice and guide you from A to Z. All is FREE !!! So don’t hesitate to look for us !!!

We are free to ask if you have any questions.