How Warung Pojok build a sustainable business with Maxis SME Grant?

During the MCO, Warung Pojok suffered a significant loss. To attract more clients, they began providing internet ordering services.

They agreed to turn to Maxis Business Fibre and Postpaid to accept internet orders without interruptions after receiving up to RM3,000 in funding from the SME Digitalisation Grant.

maxis business plan

Maxis Business is ready to help you digitalise

It hasn’t been a simple journey. You persist in your efforts. UsahaWIRA, we congratulate you as an entrepreneur, warrior, and hero. Let’s collaborate to help you expand your business.

sme digitalisation grant

The right solution to every challenge

The Maxis SME Help Squad is ready to help you find the best solution for your business and apply for the grant.

Maxis sme grant

The right partner for every change

Our Maxis SME Help Squad is ready to help you claim funding of up to RM5,000* with the SME Digitalisation Grant.

maxis sme grant

The right opportunities and connections to grow your business

Be part of our Usaha WIRA community and get exclusive access to workshops, events and more to help you grow your business.

There’s never been a better time to go digital.

maxis sme grant

Take advantage of the SME Digitalisation Grant to jumpstart your modern journey and boost your business progress, in line with PENJANA’s digital adoption initiatives. For any communication and business solutions, the government will include a 50 percent or RM5,000 matching grant per venture.