First of all, people usually tells internet is bad and internet teach us bad ethics but if we go for a good side we wont feel such things. Next, Internet will help us and teach us in many ways but some dont know to use such good information that are from internet....
First of all, we all know that sometimes the modem on but the internet cannot get access so for this kind of the problem we have to troubleshoot it. Next, This is the step how to troubleshoot a modem if you are a maxis user. Method of troubleshoot Check if any due...
Introduction Fibre Broadband Modem Firstly, why we need new modem is because some modem is no slot for fibre optic and first of all we need two modems thats is to connect 5 Ghz and 2.4 Ghz and for this we need two modem that connect one with fibre and LAN line phone...
Internet of Things Internet of things know as IoT is a device that is we going to use in our futures such as smartphone. Why smartphone is because it is the first technology that come to the world with IoT skills inside. Then after that every wearables and gadget as...
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